Friday, September 23, 2005

Tickin' in my head

I once believed that transitioning from student life to work life would mean more free time. No more homework clogging my "off" time, no research, no writing papers, etc. Work would be, ahhh, stable, 9-5, free time galore, so much time for things like...blogging.

Well, work life is stable; but my lack of free time is also quite stable. How the hell do you 9-5'rs get anything done? Sheesh. I get home at 530 exhausted, barely scrape together dinner, eat, slouch, do a bit of necessary but annoying admin, and then go to bed.

My work situation is a lock down. No internet time, in fact no internet on our computers. So, unlike Gaunilo, I cannot make more productive use of my work time by blogging. Hence, the little free time I do find, the shards pieced together from the life shattered by a corporate jauggernaut (waah), are devoted to more pressing matters.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

It's been a long time since I rocked and rolled!

It's been a long time
been a long time
been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time!!!!!