Sunday, June 12, 2005

Further thoughts on Ricoeur

Being ever-slothful, I cannot bring myself to develop fully what can be simply listed as bullet points. Nevermind the lack of clarity and greater possibility of being misunderstood, etc. I just want to jot down some themes/ideas of Ricoeur's that I have found valuable...
  • interpretive arc; esp. appropriation of texts as integral to our mode of being
  • redescriptive power of poetry and narrative; its subversive potential
  • the word that comes to us from without
  • mediation of Habermas and Gadamer; contextualized understanding and ideology critique
  • self as externalized in text and action
  • self-awareness thru interpretation of such externalized objects vs unmediated self-consciousness
  • surplus of meaning; metaphor as contributing new cognitive content
  • ethics as teleological yet somehow still ad hoc and non-systemic
  • ...

1 comment:

guanilo said...

"the long detour": the very definition of rigorous thinking as far as I'm concerned


the religious significance of atheism