Thursday, November 06, 2008


Guess who's back, back again. Devin's back, tell a friend.

Yes, I think I'll start blogging again.

On the theme of resurrection and in shameless self promotion, here is the abstract from my recently published article in the Scottish Journal of Theology (Aug 2008) entitled "Resurrection as Surplus and Possibility: Moltmann and Ricoeur" :

Though Moltmann and Ricoeur have a history of interaction, little attention has
been paid to this relationship and its implications for their respective programmes.
These thinkers have much in common, however, and the Ricoeurian categories
of surplus and possibility elucidate critical aspects of a theology of hope,
serving to strengthen its contemporary implications. Nuance is provided for the
resurrection’s role in redemption, and an existential mode of hope is delineated.
Focusing on Moltmann’s interactions with Ricoeur concerning the resurrection
elevates these latent themes and demonstrates the fruitfulness of a continued
conversation between these two thinkers. Furthermore, examining Moltmann’s
thought in Ricoeurian perspective opens new directions for conceptualising
resurrection hope and praxis in a postmodern context.

I can't figure out a way to post the pdf of the article, but if you are interested, let me know and I'll send you a copy.

Hope to resume my inane rantings and uncritical critical reflections on the nonsense of life soon.

See you there. Or, here.